Et comme j'ai peur de rien... unpublished stories from... Hugo Girard
From 2016 to 2018, for his show À vos risques et périls, host and strongman Hugo Girard took a stroll through some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the United States and Europe. Street gang members, drug kingpins, outlaw bikers, illegal arms dealers… he dared to go and talk to them on their own turf. As certain aspects of these encounters could not be shown or told on TV, Hugo had a wealth of anecdotes and thoughts to share. One question remains: even if he claims otherwise, has Hugo ever been scared, even once? The answer is in the book!

Et comme j'ai peur de rien... unpublished stories from... Hugo Girard
From 2016 to 2018, for his show À vos risques et périls, host and strongman Hugo Girard took a stroll through some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the United States and Europe. Street gang members, drug kingpins, outlaw bikers, illegal arms dealers… he dared to go and talk to them on their own turf. As certain aspects of these encounters could not be shown or told on TV, Hugo had a wealth of anecdotes and thoughts to share. One question remains: even if he claims otherwise, has Hugo ever been scared, even once? The answer is in the book!

The Iceberg or how I became Hugo Girard
Hugo Girard’s physique is astonishing. Hugo Girard’s career has been studded with unlikely successes, including the title of strongest man in the world. Hugo Girard’s resilience in the face of setbacks and his ability to constantly reinvent himself professionally are impressive. The iceberg is an expedition beneath the surface of things… There’s more to the ex-policeman and strongman than meets the eye. It conceals an invisible, little-known side, made up of learning of all kinds and boundless determination. In this book, Hugo Girard sets out his “method”, the simple yet demanding principles of life that have enabled him to achieve goals that might at first sight seem unattainable. We discover, far beyond the muscles, the strength of character of this man with unshakeable values. An inspiring tale that shows that success depends first and foremost on oneself, and that inspires everyone to lift their own mountains.